“Imminent Eclipse” is a track crafted to take you through the unsettling experience of an eclipse, inspired by the dark and dramatic atmospheres of Berserk. This track balances a steady rhythm with eerie undertones, reflecting the ominous transition from calm daylight to an unsettling darkness as the eclipse takes over. It’s an auditory journey that captures the slow shift from a peaceful environment to one cloaked in foreboding shadows.
The beat builds and layers with increasing tension, drawing you deeper into the moment when light fades and the supernatural seems ready to emerge from the darkness. With this track, I wanted to capture that sudden shift between worlds, the eerie atmosphere that surfaces when familiar surroundings take on a sinister edge. The contrast between steady rhythms and unsettling undertones reflects the fragile boundary between normalcy and the unknown—a place that’s intriguing, yet threatening.
Recently, I’ve been reflecting on themes from Berserk, especially the haunting aftermath of the Eclipse. “Imminent Eclipse” is the first in what I imagine could be a series of tracks that explore this concept, where a momentary eclipse opens a door to the supernatural. Each track would capture the intensity of this shadowed period, where the normal is overrun by eerie forces, bringing a brief yet deadly darkness to life.
If you’re drawn to intense, rhythm-driven beats with a supernatural edge, “Imminent Eclipse” will pull you in. Turn up the volume and let the rhythm and darkness guide you through a world where the eerie meets the dynamic.